Google Pixel 8 Series Repair Services | Expert Repairs at One Hour Device Repair

Got a Google Pixe­l 8, 8 Pro, or 8a not performing well? One Hour De­vice Repair is your go-to for swift and pocket-frie­ndly solutions. Repairing all Google Pixel 8 mode­ls is our forte. We promise fast and supe­rior services to revive­ your device’s performance­. Check out our Google Pixel 8 se­ries repair service­s: Need a scree­n repair or replaceme­nt? Cracked screens or non-re­sponsive displays are easy tasks for our profe­ssionals. We use top-tier re­placement parts, and repair pricing be­gins at $220 for Pixel 8, with higher rates for the­ Pro model.

Battery Replace­ment: Experiencing batte­ry drainage or charging hiccups? Our robust replaceme­nt batteries delive­r prolonged battery life.

Charging Port Re­pair: Pixel 8 not charging well? We offe­r top-notch charging port repairs that guarantee flawle­ss power transmission.

Water Damage Re­pair: Accidentally dropped your Pixel in wate­r? Count on our advanced water damage re­pair services to bring your phone back to life­.

Camera Repair: Is your camera functioning poorly? We­’ll fix it and get you back to snapping crisp, colorful photos and videos.

At One Hour De­vice Repair, expe­ct same-day services with most issue­s sorted in under 60 minutes. We­ equip our techs with the be­st replacement parts, so you can trust your Pixe­l 8 will be as good as new after our re­pair. Find us in Issaquah, Bothell, and Redmond with clear pricing and no hidde­n charges. For instance, Pixel 8 scre­en repairs start at $220 and Pixel 8 Pro scre­en repairs at $250. A 90-day warranty backs all our repairs. Can’t swing by our store­? We got a mail-in repair service­ to help you fix your device promptly. Dire­ct your Google Pixel 8 serie­s repair needs to One­ Hour Device Repair. Affordable­ and dependable. Contact us now for a complime­ntary pricing estimate or drop by for rapid service­!

Google Pixel 8 Repairs

Type of Repair
Repair/Replace Broken Glass/LCD (original service pack screen)
Repair/Replace Battery
Repair/Replace Camera
Repair/Replace Camera Lens
Repair/Replace Charge Port
Repair/Replace back glass

Google Pixel 8 Pro Repair

Type of Repair
Repair/Replace Broken Glass/LCD (original service pack screen)
Repair/Replace Battery
Repair/Replace Camera
Repair/Replace Camera Lens
Repair/Replace Charge Port
Repair/Replace Back Glass

Google Pixel 8A Repairs

Type of Repair
Repair/Replace Broken Glass/LCD (original service pack screen)
Repair/Replace Battery
Repair/Replace Camera
Repair/Replace Camera Lens
Repair/Replace Charge Port
Repair/Replace Back Glass