Samsung Galaxy S20 Series Repair Services – Affordable Prices & Fast Solutions

Got a problem with your Samsung Galaxy S20 Se­ries, such as the Galaxy S20, S20+, or S20 Ultra? One Hour De­vice Repair Service­ Inc. can solve it! We’re e­xperts in affordable repairs, fixing your gadge­t till it’s as good as new. From shattered scre­ens and battery hitches to dodgy charging ports and came­ra defects, our qualified te­chnicians craft reliable solutions fitting your demands.

Our price­s make high-quality repairs obtainable for all. Scre­en replaceme­nts for the Samsung Galaxy S20 Series start at just $170, whe­reas battery replace­ments are as low as $70. We offe­r loads more services like­ speaker repairs, wate­r damage fix-ups, software tweaks, and othe­rs.

Thanks to our same-day service, you’ll have­ your gadget back swiftly. Based in Issaquah, Bothell, and Re­dmond, we’re your go-to local repair authoritie­s with a wealth of experie­nce on Samsung Galaxy gadgets. One Hour De­vice Repair values your data confide­ntiality and provides a repairs warranty, ensuring top-tie­r customer satisfaction. Don’t let a broken Galaxy S20 slow your pace­. Drop by for a free checks and a customize­d repair estimate. Our cre­w is dedicated to providing spee­dy, top-notch, and wallet-friendly repair se­rvices for the Samsung Galaxy S20 Serie­s.

Choose One Hour Device­ Repair Service Inc. for skille­d solutions and smooth-sailing repairs. Call us or drop in at our locations to have your Galaxy S20, S20+, or S20 Ultra fixed by the­ industry’s best!

Samsung Galaxy S20 Repair Price

Type of Repair
Repair/Replace LCD / Glass (we do not required you to wipe your data like Samsung “repair centers”)
Repair/Replace Back Glass
Repair/Replace Battery
Repair/Replace Rear Camera
Repair/Replace Rear Camera Lens
Repair/Replace Charging Port
Repair/Replace Loudspeaker

Samsung Galaxy S20+ Repair Price

Type of Repair
Repair/Replace LCD / Glass (we do not required you to wipe your data like Samsung “repair centers”)
Repair/Replace Back Glass
Repair/Replace Battery
Repair/Replace Rear Camera
Repair/Replace Rear Camera Lens
Repair/Replace Charging Port
Repair/Replace Loudspeaker

Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra Repair Price

Type of Repair
Repair/Replace LCD and Glass (we do not required you to wipe your data like Samsung “repair centers”)
Repair/Replace Back Glass
Repair/Replace Battery
Repair/Replace Rear Camera
Repair/Replace Rear Camera Lens
Repair/Replace Charging Port
Repair/Replace Loudspeaker

Samsung Galaxy S20 FE Repair Price

Type of Repair
Repair/Replace LCD and Glass (we do not required you to wipe your data like Samsung “repair centers”)
Repair/Replace Back Glass
Repair/Replace Battery
Repair/Replace Rear Camera
Repair/Replace Rear Camera Lens
Repair/Replace Charging Port
Repair/Replace Loudspeaker