Upgrading versus Repairs your iPhone or Smartphone

Why you want to repair your iPhone or Smartphone

Many customers still question whether or not it is worth repairing a damaged iPhone. The fact remains that it is always best to get your iPhone repaired even if you intend on trading it for a newer device.

One factors to consider when making a decision on repairing an iPhone is the original cost of the phone. Most carriers give you the phone for a low price, and then bind you to a 2 year contract as a way of subsidizing the cost of the handset. The real price of an iPhone actually costs more than most people actually pay with a contract plan. Additionally, carriers might also allow an “upgrade” to the newest handset when you sign up for an additional 2 year contract.

Many folks try and upgrade when their device breaks or starts to show signs of hardware malfunctions.. Many users end up purchasing a new device especially as the telecommunication companies make them to believe that purchasing a new iPhone at exorbitant prices is the best solution. If your iPhone is damaged it makes more financial sense to repair the phone, rather than pay for a new handset. Many of our customers are pleasantly surprised when they find out they can spend less than $100 to repair a phone which might cost then $750.00 new.

There are cases where the owner of the iPhone is eligible for an upgrade, allowing for the purchase of a new iPhone at a subsidized rate. Even with this option, it is advised that the damaged phone be fixed and subsequently sold even if you are bent on going for the early upgrade option.